Xiao Yue O'Brien Alcantara

she/her/they͏͏ | oa ooc | Φ scorpio baby | n/sfw - profanitiesAU: Flexi ( University Student, Freelance Photographer / Graphic Designer )

͏͏͏͏͏likes: ice cream, photography, art, coffee, traveling, sweets and pastries,͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏video games, books, mythologies, ͏͏͏͏͏choco mint, matcha snacks, pets, kids.͏͏͏͏͏dislikes: migraine, homophobes, rude people,͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏horror movies, clowns, spiders, snakes, people who don't value privacy.BYF: Be informed that I'm a Free Roleplayer! Please don't priv qrt my tweets. Soft block to break the mutual. Expect sporadic replies to dms.DNFI: basic criteria. if you're homophobic, transphobic, racist and will bring drama to my tl. if you're highly NSFW.


This account is not in any way affiliated with the artists that it uses/posts. All of the contents posted on this account are for roleplaying purposes only. ⩤⩥


FULL NAME: Xiao Yue O'Brien Alcantara
NICKNAME/S: Yu, Yuyu, Pucca, Solace
FAMILY AFFILIATIONS: Montefalcon, Williams-Luwelton, Nieves, Seo, Severino-Contivo
BIRTHDATE: December 04, 2000
AGE: 21 years old
NATIONALITY: Filipino, Greek
ETHNICITY: Filipino-Chinese, Part Greek
ORIENTATION/PREFERENCE: Panromantic / Demisexual
BIRTHPLACE: Athens, Greece
HOMETOWN: Makati, Philippines
STATUS: In a Relationship
UNIVERSITY: University of Santo Tomas
COURSE: Bachelor of Fine Arts
MAJOR: Major in Advertising Arts
Becarios De Santo Tomas, Fotomasino, Mediartrix - UST, UST Hiraya, TOMCAT (Thomasian Media Circle and Talents) - UST
WORK: Creative Director at DEUS Café by Wolfesbrook, Graphic Designer at Kape Agape, Graphic Designer at DCC, Side Graphic Designer of the band, The Spades


Capable - Yue always like to take her job seriously. She prefers not doing anything else while she is in the process of assessing or fulfilling something that was tasked for her. If or when she fails to do the subject at hand, she gets herself ready to face any kind of scolding - after all, she knows that she was/has done something wrong, so why even deny it?Loyal - A great secret keeper and an ear to listen to her friends’ problems. Yue is caring and loyal towards the people that she’s closest to. She’ll be willing to lend her friends a shoulder to cry on and listen to their problems without even thinking of saying a peep about it to anyone.Charming - She takes the time to contemplate most aspects of her life - her relationships, ambitions, and past decisions. Yue is able to interact with others without much difficulty - though she would like to avoid it at times, she is keen in making a good first impression on people and only show them the admirable, playful sides of her.Insightful - Though she may seem like someone who doesn't grasp her surroundings well, Yue has a very good understanding of people and situations. She observes others and the mood to ensure that no one is hurt and sometimes gives perceptive comments that no one would expect coming from her.Compassionate - It is rare to see her without a smile and friendly demeanor when she's with people that she cares about. Yue has many friends, but only a few close ones. She will ride or die with you. But, she is also very compassionate, even towards people she barely knows. She would be the first person to offer a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen.Critical - Sometimes, her need to be responsible goes out of hand to a point that she'll fail to take care of herself; and often Yue strongly denies others’ help, thinking she would fail her task if she asked for help. Her mind tends to drift into negativity, especially when tired, thinking of all the worst possible outcomes or how she wouldn’t be able to allow herself to fail. Yue had set high expectations for herself and is slightly too unforgiving when something goes awry.Over-thinker - Self explanatory. She tends to overthink a lot about her situation, what if's, and scenarios. Yue tends to worry, but not about the things that actually matter. Truly opening up to other people has been harder for her, since she tends to overanalyze her situations.Reticent - In regards to her being secretive, Yue tends to keep her own thoughts to herself, which would sometimes prove to be unbeneficial - as it tends to close off any chances for the exposure of her own ideas and perspectives. This also applies to her physical features, as what is shown in the fact that she often wears the same comfortable and composed expression on her face almost everyday - serving as a mask for what she truly feels on the inside.Blunt - If she is in any way irritated, angry, or just generally fed up, you'll definitely know through words alone. Yue's honesty very easily veers into brutal honesty, and she doesn't often make the effort to let someone down easily, especially if they don't seem to be taking the hint when she's polite about it. She isn't easily annoyed, but once she is, she'll remember it pretty much indefinitely.Obstinate - When I mean stubborn, Yue hates changing her routine in a drastic way. She likes keeping a schedule and is uncertain when it comes to change. She values stability the most and does whatever she thinks is the right thing to do. She often holds her ground within any argument unless proven otherwise. Sometimes, debating with her can be pretty annoying - as she would throw everything at you, even the irrelevant ones.


EARLY YEARSXiao Yue O'Brien Alcantara, or is commonly known as Yu, was born in a family of six, which consisted of her, her momma Serenity Clair, her babba Caspian and her brothers, Skye, Sora and Zale. She was the youngest daughter of the family and was doted on by her parents as a young child. The family used to live in a city in Greece, Athens, in a moderately sized family home.All of her life, Yue had always been fond of the sea and would often take trips to the beach, as her family's home was located near the shore. As a young child, she loved spending time there. Listening to the sound of the waves, marveling at the wondrous sceneries she could draw or paint with her pastels, paints and canvas. It was something that anyone wouldn't be able to take from her.The young girl had a very happy childhood with her parents and grew up to be a very helpful person because of her parent's overwhelming influence in her life. She has a close relationship with both her mother and father, to the point where she can open up to only them about any problems she had. Because of that, her parents had always wanted the best for her, and she in turn tried her best to meet their expectations.This is what developed her very hard driven personality. Because of this, Yue had to make sure to give everything she could in all of the things that she'll be doing. Though, it also had a downside to it, for she grew up over-worrying about her future most of the time.TEENAGE YEARSDuring primary school to junior high, Yue was a very outgoing and bright child. Her parents spent a lot of time and money investing into her childhood. This includes having tutors and getting her to experience hobbies as much as possible at a young age to find her niche. Of all the random things that they had her try, the most memorable had to be signing her up for photography and art classes. And as the young girl grew up and went to school, she had always been praised for how well she resembled her father's looks and her mother's generous personality. Plus the fact that she had excelled in photography and would often represent her school in art competitions.Her elementary to junior high school life was probably the easiest part of her life. She was well-liked by her classmates and friends because she was helpful and nice to everyone despite being a tad bit ditzy with regards to classwork.And by her last year of junior high, the creative girl had already decided what she wanted to do with her life, although not sure where to begin. She did intensive research on the process of how to excel more in her hobbies, which were art and photography. Yue had put in a lot of time and energy for her passion for the arts. She set her goal to attend a well-rounded school which would then lead to a prestigious university to get her a degree in Fine Arts.Although the lass was very much invested in her school work and her future, she didn’t forget to live a normal childhood; spending time with friends and people she was surrounded by. But, despite of all the positive people surrounding her life, it didn't help much with her slowly deteriorating self-esteem because of the generally imposed importance of getting high grades in order to get into a great high school and university. The pressure had eventually gotten into her mind.While Yue felt happy with the people around her, most especially her supportive parents, she started feeling the need to help out and do more for others in order to make up for what she had lacked. This in turn, made her grades drop down even more, and her wish to get into a great high school for her parents quickly already went out of her reach.It was then that their family had to migrate back to the Philippines, which was also the country where their parents met and held a special place for the couple. Unbeknownst to them, it was a blessing in disguise. The young girl and her younger brother, Zale eventually started senior high with clean slates in a new country.The moved helped Yue gain more self confidence. Despite being in a new country and a new school, her senior high school life finally went smooth sailing, to say the least.PRESENTBeing curious with the university's long history, after reading about the University of Santo Tomas on the internet, she immediately decided on the university due to its reputation for successful alumni, ultimately leading to her desire to apply.After writing her essay and preparing for the entrance exam for months, the young girl officially applied and eventually received her long awaited acceptance letter.Now, she is attending as a Fourth Year Fine Arts student of UST majoring in Advertising Arts. Still, now that she had steered herself into something she had chosen for herself, it was a step forward. It's hard to say for sure whether she means it when she says she loves her major - or if she was just as lost as before. But, one thing's for sure. Together with her family, friends and loved ones, Yue's trying to live her life one step at a time.


Now Playing: Home by Reese Lansangan
Queued : Look After You by The Fray

For some, other people had said that love and friendship comes hand in hand. And in our case, it did. From being strangers, to friends that eventually became best of friends and now, to each other's love of our lives. Two people who didn't expect to find something much more than friendship. It's sorta funny how something so unexpected as meeting each other turned into something that's beautiful and worthwhile.

Despite all of the risks and sacrifices that had to be taken, it is a connection forged in trust, care and a deep understanding for each other, that was only made stronger by time and fate itself. That even though I haven't thought if I am deserving of being loved by a person this much, he still came. An Alfonso Contreras still came and showed me that I don't always have to shine bright all the time. That it was okay for me to be vulnerable, he'll still accept me with flaws as well.



    Mama Rae, Kuya Gabo, Ate Sol, Kuya Xav, Kuya Domdom, Kuya Dwy, Ate Scar, Kuya Yien, Stormy, Nini
    Babba Caspian, Papa Ivor, Kuya Skye, Kuya Sora, Zale, Tita Azi, Tita Bella, Tita Xia, Tita Perse, Tito Yun, Tito Ares, Kaori, Tito Andrei
    Iris, Nayah, Deia, Apollo, Kuya Acer, Kuya Chu, Ino, Axy, Kuya Gelo
    Rairai, Mama Rae, Ate Bry, Ate Sol, Kuya Andrei, Kuya Chase, Kuya Cairo, Kuya Kevin, Kuya Niki
    Kuya Sheshe, Kuya Venven, Mama Art, Ate Zya, Lau, Zion, Kuya Louis, Ate Vio, Ate Marseia, Ate Leo, Mino, Northie, Mami Sujeh, Mags, Hanbin, Axl, Huang, Papa Loey, Ate Hera, Kuya Gab, Ate Sam, Kuya Gray